Mama Knows Best

Posts Tagged ‘motivators

I am going to get started on my category of decluttering here on Mama Knows Best. So where is best to begin… well, at the beginning of course. So, let’s talk about the motivation behind decluttering, because if you don’t have any motivation to do it then you are not going to move forward in your efforts.

Personally here are my top reasons to declutter:

1. Cleanliness: The main thing that starts my husband and I wanting to declutter is when we look around at the piles that begin to accumulate. At one point, it was so bad that we could not see the floor of our bedroom, because I had so much clothes spilling onto the floor (and that was the clothes I wore, because the clothes that no longer fit me were in my drawers). So, emptying out my drawers and donating all my old clothes gave us part of our bedroom back. Major motivation.

2. Company: Of course, a quick way to get us into cleaning mode is to invite some guests over. This is another reason we would like our place to stay decluttered, so we can invite others over or be prepared for unexpected guests.

3. Lost items: It is much easier to find everything when it all has a place and everything is in its places. Also, if you don’t have as much then it’s easier to find something you need. What is the point of holding onto a lot of sentimental garbage or “things I may need” if you can’t find what you need when you need it? Exactly.

Now, when you are bogged down by the opposite ideas that hinder your motivation to declutter, think of your strongest motivation instead. Such as, pretend someone is on their way over in an hour… and GO!

What is your top decluttering motivators? What tends to hinder you about decluttering?